Where can the experience be conducted?

There are a range of options that students can pursue for undergraduate research and experiences. The most common option is to do research with a faculty member in the Department of Biology. Other options include doing research at the Wake Forest School of Medicine or doing a summer research internship at another university. Each of these can satisfy the research requirement.

Faculty in other STEM Departments at Wake can also mentor students for biology research for certain projects. Your Biology advisor must approve the project before you proceed. 

Lab and field research opportunities can be found in the BS link “here”.

You can carry out this work around the globe as part of domestic or international (study abroad) programs. Summer experiences outside of Wake can satisfy you’re the requirement with a “BIO 500E equivalency”. Your Biology major advisor must approve the project before you proceed and a BIO 500E Research Equivalency must be filled out.

Example Internships and Experiences:

Example 1: Museum Exhibit Development Internship.  The student’s internship involves adapting materials created for museum exhibits at institutions like the Smithsonian for use in local children’s museums. Topics included viruses, epidemics and human health. Student is mentored by their major adviser.

Example 2: Classroom and Garden Educational Engagement: The student develops biology-based labs related to ecology, gardens, and the environment. They analyze previous successful lab experiments, design new experiments, and assess the educational effectiveness of these labs in both classroom and outdoor garden settings. Student is mentored by the Program Coordinator for the WFU Campus Garden. 

Example 3: Sustainability Office Internship : The student is working with the Athletics Waste Reduction and Diversion division within the Sustainability Office, focusing on waste reduction, particularly textile reduction, during home football games and in dorms. They also contribute to green labs programs, enhancing sustainability efforts within STEM labs.

Example 4: Climate Risk Mapping Summer Research Internship. The student is involved in a climate risk mapping project conducted by an NGO. Student assists in research related to climate risk mapping exercises, assesses climate perceptions, attitudes, efficacy, and behavioral intentions. They also research climate resilience and adaptation in small island states.

Example 5: Health Behavior Research Internship.  The student is part of a research team focusing on assessing and treating health behaviors in older adults within clinical settings. The student participates in data collection, analysis, and project management tasks related to older adults’ health behaviors, mentored by director of the research program.

To assist students in finding internships and experiences, here are some sources:

  1. AAMC Summer Undergraduate Research Programs
  2. Pathways to Science – Undergrads
  3. Student Conservation Association
  4. Wildlands Studies
  5. Association of Zoos and Aquariums
  6. Sea Grant Marine Internships
  7. NIH Internships
  8. US Geological Survey Internships
  9. Internships at the Smithsonian Museum
  10. National Council for Science and the Environment
  11. Cold Spring Harbor Summer Undergraduate Research
  12. Hudson Alpha Institute for Biotechnology

These sources provide a wide range of opportunities for internships and experiences in biology and related fields, helping students find meaningful and educational placements.
