What does undergraduate research involve?

Undergraduate research involves committing to actively participate in the research program of a faculty member, working on a project that is biology-related in its subject matter.

Our expectation is that a student will spend 6 to 8 hours a week during the semester engaged in research for credit. They may be asked to join a weekly lab meeting, commit to a regular block or blocks of time in which they report to the lab, work alongside a graduate student, and other responsibilities as described by the faculty mentor.

Some faculty members conduct research indoors in a laboratory, and research may involve conducting behavioral experiments, pipetting, microscopy, and other cell and molecular methods.

Other faculty members conduct their research outdoors in the field, and research may involve traveling to different locations, collecting samples, and tracking information on the environment.

Others conduct their research on the computer, and research may involve coding, data analysis, graphing and visualizing data, and modeling.

And some faculty will use a combination of these formats and you may have the opportunity to experience more than one type of research environment.
