Satisfying the Undergraduate Research Requirement via Summer Research, Research Abroad, or Research Away

Students may also satisfy their undergraduate research requirement through the completion of summer research. Students may complete this through The Wake Forest Research Fellowship (URECA) or through summer research at another university with your advisor’s approval. See Where can research be conducted? for more suggestions on where to find a summer research internship at another university.

To obtain credit for this work, a student must speak with their Biology Advisor about their intention to apply for Bio500E. Importantly, the Bio500E form must be completed BEFORE the summer of research. This is important to ensure that the experience is suitable for meeting the Biology research requirement.

Bio500E is a zero-credit course, but it successfully checks off the undergraduate research requirement for the Biology major. Because 500E does not confer any academic credit, it means that you may check off the undergraduate research requirement for research experiences for which you received a stipend. That is, any experience for which you got paid a stipend will not give you any academic credit, but can satisfy the undergraduate research requirement.

You must fill out a Bio500E form in order to request 500E research credit. This Bio500E Research Equivalency Google form can be found here. And remember, you must complete this IN ADVANCE of your summer research experience in order to check off the requirement.

Similarly, you may also check off your undergraduate research requirement through research abroad or research away that occurs during the semester. If you intend to pursue this path, a student must speak with their Biology Advisor in advance about their intention to apply for Bio500E.

If you complete summer research, research abroad, or research away and satisfy your undergraduate research requirement via Bio500E, please note that you will have to take additional elective credits in biology to make up for the credits that you don’t get in research.
