B.S. Undergraduate Research: Getting started

Who? All Wake B.S. Biology majors are required to complete one semester of undergraduate research before they graduate.

What? Undergraduate research consists of participating in the research project with a faculty member. It may involve laboratory-based research, field-based research, and/or computer-based research, or some combination of these.

When? A semester of undergraduate research must be completed before graduation. While only one semester is required, many students opt to conduct more than one semester. This allows them to gain more experience and continue to focus on their project.

Where? Undergraduate research can be conducted within a research group at the Biology Department at Wake Forest, the Wake Forest School of Medicine, or off campus as part of a participation in a summer research internship.

Why? Because undergraduate research provides students with a fantastic opportunity to participate in the ongoing research work of a faculty member who is actively engaged in the scientific process of discovery. While introductory lab classes may focus on teaching you the techniques used in science, being in a research lab will teach you what it looks like to discover new information about the natural world.

How? Now that you have a better understanding of undergrad research, you will need to get registered to receive research credit. We hope this website will help you to navigate this process.
