Experiences Outside of Wake (B.A.)

Step 1. Arrange to work in a non-Wake research lab, arrange an internship, or develop your own proposal for a biology-related experience. 

Step 2. Share this information with your Biology Department advisor. Your advisor may request a short write-up about the work that you plan to conduct and the name and contact information for the lab or organization director. Your advisor will then coordinate throughout the semester to learn how your work is progressing, and to assign you a grade at the mid-term and end of semester.

Your Biology major adviser will review the proposed experience. If it’s a traditional research experience, your adviser will get you registered for their section of Bio 390 (Mentored Research) or Bio391 (Independent Research). If it is a biology-forward experience or internship, your adviser will get you registered for BIO 399.

Your advisor will either give you a POI number or will ask you for your Wake ID number so that they can manually sign you up for the appropriate section of section BIO 39X . Importantly, you cannot pre-register for Bio39X course. You will need to work this out with your advisor outside of the pre-registration process.

Step 3. Confirm that you are registered for the correct section of Bio39X (make sure it lists your Biology Advisor as instructor)

Step 4. Get to work!
